Spare eye wash diffusers

Spare Parts from Hughes

Hughes products are built to last, yet there are some components that should be replaced regularly to maintain good working order. Perhaps an item has suffered accidental damage and you require a replacement. For anything more challenging please refer to our service and support contracts.

Whatever the reason, use the form opposite to request a quote for your spare parts. Please provide as much detail as possible, including the model reference or your order number, along with an address for delivery so we can provide an accurate quote.


New! Hughes maintenance kits for standard products

We have put together a selection of spare parts kits for frequently requested items. Eye wash diffusers should be replaced every 6 months for hygienic operation and to ensure correct functionality to comply with EN and ANSI standards.

Stock up today on the current selection of kits:


Have you noticed damage to the operating valve on your safety shower or eye wash? Take a look at the replacement options below:


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